Discussing Strategy

The most valuable question you will ever ask a millionaire is, “How did you do it?”

Yeah, yeah the story is important but the strategy is much more important.

As Nigeria’s Leading Peak Performance Consultant, I am constantly looking for stories and distilling strategies. I am obsessed with strategy. Cutting Edge Strategy. I constantly looking for people who in spite and despite experience, rise to the Ocassion and accomplish great feats.

What makes someone build a 100,000 team network and generate a 7 figure weekly income right here in the so-called politically driven Akwa Ibom?

The said Diva has nothing to do with Politics and is a pure entrepreneur.

So Mk Akan, Nigeria’s number 1 Copy Writer and I had a session with Inimfon Ubong-Colonel. We discussed not just her story but her strategy.

Great time we had.


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